Conceria Laba in numbers
59.115 kg

Gabriele Boschetti founded his first tannery in 1978. It was the realization of his dream of establishing a full-cycle tannery, which produces high-quality leathers, mainly calfskin, for footwear and handbags. Later, in 1989 in Montorso Vicentino, Conceria Laba was inaugurated, (CONCERIA is the Italian word for tannery) the result of Gabriele Boschetti's project to consolidate previous entrepreneurial experiences centered on the development and marketing of high quality leather items.
In the following years, the two daughters, Barbara and Laura, and the sons-in-law enters the company and, all together, they bring important distinctive skills, both at a production and management level .
Today we employ 80 people and achieve a turnover of €15,000,000, for a production of 1,000,000 square meters of processed hides. For over 30 years we have been consultants and partners of local companies as well as the most renowned international luxury and fashion brands. Our strength are in leather goods, footwear and furniture.
Our mission is to make new challenges and dreams tangible, thanks to your ambition to turn the most demanding projects into reality. We therefore dedicate with greatest possible care and attention to you and make all our experience and technological know-how available to you to find innovative solutions through cutting-edge processes and manufactures. Our focus is to create value and our goal is to do it while respecting the environment, because we believe that innovation, research and efficiency determines the growth of a company, while ethical and social responsibility must be the prerequisites for projecting it towards the future.
We are Laba
Pioneer and leader in the creation of innovative products with a high technological and stylistic content
✔ Laba is the laboratory of your ideas
✔ Laba is handcrafted care
✔ Laba is industrial ecology
✔ Laba is research and technological innovation
✔ Laba is history and experience at your side

Conceria Laba nasce nel 1989 da un progetto di Gabriele Boschetti che consolida nell’azienda di Montorso Vicentino precedenti esperienze imprenditoriali centrate sullo sviluppo e commercializzazione di articoli in pelle di alta qualità. Conceria Laba impiega attualmente 79 persone e realizza un fatturato di € 13.000.000, per una produzione di 1.000.000 di m quadri di pelli lavorate. Da oltre 30 anni siamo consulenti e partner di realtà locali come dei più rinomati marchi internazionali del lusso e della moda. I nostri ambiti sono la pelletteria, la calzatura e l’arredamento. La nostra missione è rendere tangibili nuove sfide e sogni grazie alla vostra ambizione di trasformare in realtà i progetti più impegnativi. Perciò vi dedichiamo la massima cura e attenzione possibili, e vi mettiamo a disposizione tutta la nostra esperienza e il nostro know-how tecnologico per trovare soluzioni innovative attraverso processi e lavorazioni sempre all’avanguardia.
Il nostro focus è creare valore e il nostro obbiettivo è farlo rispettando l’ambiente perché crediamo che innovazione, ricerca ed efficienza determinano la crescita di un’azienda mentre responsabilità etica e sociale devono essere i presupposti per proiettarla verso il futuro.
Gabriele Boschetti found the first full-cycle tannery in Arzignano (Italy). Its first market is Germany, to which it serves with a high quality product. Calves for footwear and handbags are its hallmark of recognition.
In Arzignano (Vicenza- Italy) on the initiative of Gabriele Boschetti, the company Laba Srl comes to life with the aim of developing a new commercial activity.
After 2 years on the job, Conceria in 1^ Strada was inaugurated wherein the first processes were carried out: liming, tanning and dyeing, and work began on third-party projects.
The first machinery for finishing the leather and a press for the processing of the finished product were purchased. At the same time, the new "luxury tannery" project came to life, which still persists with calves.
The first branch was joined by the new in 4^ Strada, where the ribbon of the finishing department was officially cut.
15 years after its foundation, Laba moved to Montorso Vicentino (still in Vicenza Italy) at the new headquarters which also houses the new automated dyeing department. In these years the production were mainly aimed at the world of footwear.
The liming and tanning plant were transformed into a real branch in its independent state.
The company continues to grow and new collaborations were introduced with important projects in the world of leather goods and obtained ISO 9001 Certification, the internationally recognized standard for the creation, implementation and management of a Quality Management System within the agency.
The first investments in renewables were underway, with the aim of making Laba a sustainable reality: the first step was the installation of a 200kw photovoltaic system.
The first environmental certification according to the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard arrived, thanks to the introduction of a 500kw electric tracking cogeneration plant, among the firsts to be installed in the leather district of Arzignano district, to which was added the OHSAS 18001 certification, subsequently replaced by ISO 45001 which certifies the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
The opening towards leather goods was strengthened.
A new factory was built, which bears witness to the continuous development of the company and where it can meet the increasingly numerous demands of the sector.
The path towards sustainability was undertaken and respect for the environment continues with the purchase of the innovative machinery called "New Technology" and the installation of an activated carbon filtering system to break down the PFAS entering the water. Laba officially becomes part of the "Italian champions of sustainability", awarded by UNIC.
The Laba offer was enriched with the latest generation "Chrome Free" tanning, thus satisfying the new needs of the market. Furthermore, it obtained the LWG Silver Certification (Leather Working Group) which certifies the environmental performance of leather goods manufacturers all over the world, certifying their effort towards ecological production and systemic management of Quality, Environment, Safety and Ethics, as required by market needs.
Laba has confirmed the renewal of the LWG Silver Certification (Leather Working Group).